Cannot find the product you want in our catalog?

What to do if you do not find the product you want to produce in the entire Tiroflx catalog?

No problem:

1. First, contact us by clicking the Contact Us link.

2. You can show us a drawing or picture of a similar item.

3. You can send us an engineering design or just a sketch.

4. We will contact you back

5. We will conduct a comprehensive SOURCING search of the product – if the product is manufactured in China, in which factories, what are the price levels of the item, and what is the quality level of those products.

6. After the sourcing, In the next step, we will return you orderly answers that include more details about the specific item prices and the possibility of producing this item in China within a few days.

Nest step

As soon as we determine the quantities, we will be able to create final prices and schedules for delivery.

We will guide you through the entire process from the selection stage to the final product, including packaging options by our graphic designers.

We perform quality control at the end of production and before shipping the goods to our warehouse.

We provide storage and shipping solutions.

We will ensure the whole manufacturing process with minimum risks for you.

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If the item does not exist in factories in China?

Yes, we could not find this item in our sourcing search

No worries, this is not a problem.

Our engineers will check your needs and pass the requirement to the various factories to test the creative options for you.

We will guide you through the production process.

We will offer the best materials for the product, the metal factories, the plastic factories, or any other raw material required in China.

And we will make sure that the whole production process is under control and supervision.

We will test the product or part you want to produce

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Nowadays, many companies have difficulty finding manufacturers or sourcing companies who produce the items they need.

If the customer requests a new item that we do not currently have in the catalog, sourcing it is usually not easy because there are too many manufacturers. Sometimes they need to see an actual working sample.

Face-to-face meetings are sometimes necessary to explain the customer’s requirements to the factories.

We need to inform the customer of the factory’s capability, its manufacturing focus, and its problems in repeated feedback.

These steps will ensure that everyone understands their role in the production process and receives information about what they are asking for.

In today’s market, customers face an enormous challenge in monitoring and supervising production, factories, and new products and maintaining high-quality control over production processes.

Here’s what we do at Tiroflx

Using our early control system, we ensure that production will proceed on time for the customer.

We manage the whole process for customers from the concept to the final delivery phase.

In Tiroflx we produce more than 10,000 products for our clients with various specifications with transparency, professionalism, and efficiency.

As a result of manufacturing in China, we aim to add value to our customers.

Ensure that the products that customers order will be manufactured in the shortest time in the best quality and at the best price.

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