Pickup cargo rack

Pickup truck ladder rack
Pick up luggage rack fits most pickup trucks. Adjustable width fits most pickup truck beds from 52″ to 68″ wide. High-strength.
Pickup truck ladder rack

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Look for an excellent way to transport ladders and other long items in your pickup truck. A wide selection of durable ladder racks will keep your ladder safely stored on the top of your commercial truck. Look at Tiroflx’s Universal Ladder Racks!

Pickup rack

-Material: Iron

-Color: Black

-Universal engineered for a wide range of full-size and mid-size pickup trucks.

-The ladder racks are the perfect solution for any pickup car owner looking to safely and securely transport long items. With this rack, you can easily extend your truck hauling ladder, lumber, pipe, and other devices on work days, hauling kayaks, surfboards, bikes, rooftop tents, roof boxes, and other camping sports gear in holidays.

-Our ladder racks are not only stylish but also built to last. With their robust construction and heavy load rating, you can trust our ladder racks to hold up even your heaviest loads.

-With an easy installation process and all hardware supplied, you can have your new ladder racks up and running quickly!

Why ladder racks?

Increased storage capacity

Ladder racks are an easy way to increase space inside your work vehicle. Use a ladder rack instead of storing your giant, bulky ladder inside your van or truck bed. Now your ladder can store securely on top of your vehicle. Utilizing the top of your car for storage creates more space inside your work van. The ladder racks help free up space in the vehicle interior or truck bed for other cargo and equipment. With this simple addition, you’ll double your truck’s cargo capacity!

Reduce the risk

Ladder racks make it much safer to load and unload a ladder. Instead of hauling your ladder out of the back of your van or truck, let the cargo rack do the work.

Make efficiency

Another great benefit of a Tiroflx steel ladder rack is that it makes your job easier. Loading, transporting, and unloading a ladder becomes streamlined and straightforward with a ladder rack. Refrain from struggling with your ladder; arrive at your job site and unload your ladder in less time, with less hassle.

Keep securely

A work ladder is an essential piece of work equipment. Most ladders are also expensive, heavy, and cumbersome. A black bar takes the worry out of transporting ladders. Secure your ladder to the top of your vehicle, and rest assured that it won’t slip or move during transport. The universal ladder racks are rugged and built to last.

Keep your surfaces scratch-free

Your ladder rack prevents heavy items from hitting your vehicle’s sides. In some cases, an object striking the roof could result in severe damage, such as cracks and rips. The objects will force toward the back of your car, where they won’t cause damage. Furthermore, fewer objects inside your vehicle mean more irregular surfaces that these things can hit, which means fewer scratches and dings.

Easy use

It is easy to remove all items stored within the rear rack without getting stuck under your vehicle since it integrates into your vehicle’s bodywork. Ladder racks add safety and convenience to almost any vehicle. Ladder racks are easy to use and can be attached to virtually any vehicle.


1. You must know your options to choose the proper ladder racks for your needs.

Truck bed racks

Your pickup truck bed is perfect for carrying light equipment. When you aren’t using racks, they can quickly take down. They mount over the truck bed in a matter of minutes.

Slide mount racks

A slide mount rack is a perfect addition for transporting long equipment. This rack will ensure you do it safely and efficiently if you transport ladders, pipes, or other long equipment.

Over cab racks

Over cab racks can transform your pickup truck into a double-decker, maximizing the available space and making it easy to haul bulky equipment.

2. Pay attention to rack features when choosing ladder racks.

Firstly, make sure that the ladder racks are versatile, allowing you to transport a variety of materials, whether bulky or very long.

Secondly, pay attention to safety. An unsafe ladder rack can become a hazard during use. Inspect the ladder racks before purchasing them to ensure they attach securely during transit.

Thirdly, Sturdiness and durability are other important. Due to corrosion, your ladder racks should replace in only a few years. A quality ladder rack will be pricey, but it will save you money over time.

Fourthly, the material of the ladder rack is a critical consideration. Ladder racks typically build from either iron, steel, or aluminum. Iron/steel is suitable for heavy-duty jobs due to its strength and durability. However, steel is more prone to rust and needs to coat correctly.

Contact us if you need assistance choosing and installing ladder racks for your vehicle and cargo needs, and we’ll maximize your cargo-hauling versatility and productivity together!